Healthy and unhealthy food

Healthy and Unhealthy Food

Healthy and Unhealthy Food
1. Let's get acquainted
1. Let's get acquainted
  • What's your name?

  • How old are you?

  • Where are you from?

  • What are your hobbies?

  • What food do you like?

  • Do you eat fuit and vegetables? What fruit and vegetables do you like?


What's your name? How old are you? Where are you...
2. Let's watch a video
2. Let's watch a video
Junk Food Vs Healthy Food | What will Om Nom choose? | Fun Learning Cartoons for Kids
Junk Food Vs Healthy Food | What will Om Nom choose? | Fun Learning Cartoons for Kids
Duration (m)
  • What food in the video is healthy?

  • What food is unhealthy?

What food in the video is healthy? What food is...
3. Let's play a game
3. Let's play a game
4.Let's watch a video and write down the substitutions for unhealthy food
4.Let's watch a video and write down the substitutions for unhealthy food
10 Healthy Food Swaps You Never Thought To Try
10 Healthy Food Swaps You Never Thought To Try
Duration (m)
5. Let's revise some vocabulary
5. Let's revise some vocabulary
6. Let's describe a picture
6. Let's describe a picture
7. Let's watch a video
7. Let's watch a video
How to Create a Healthy Plate
How to Create a Healthy Plate
Duration (m)
8. Let's create our healthy plate
8. Let's create our healthy plate
Next: Music in my life