Word games. Alias.
1. Let's get to know each other.
1. Let's get to know each other.
  • Think of 3 words (nouns / adjectives/verbs/ adverbs / numbers etc) . Each of them should refer to some personal information of yours.

    You say the word – other students should quess what it refers to. They have 5 attempts (tries).

    For example:

  • I say: - Italy.

    Students:   - It's the best place you have visited. - ( No)

                      - Your sister lives in this country. - ( No)

                      - It's a country that you want to visit the most in the future. (Yes)

  • I say: - slowly

          Students:    - You understand jokes this way. - (No)

                             - This is how you eat your meal – (Yes)

       * I say : - to sing

          Students:    - This is what you used to do when you were a child ( No)

                             - You like to do this in the shower. ( Yes)

Think of 3 words (nouns / adjectives/verbs/ adverbs / numbers...
2. Watch and try to understand the idea and the rules of the game.
2. Watch and try to understand the idea and the rules of the game.
  • How many teams are there ?

  • How many players are there in each team?

  • What should the teammates do?

  • Is their time limited?

  • Why did the 1st team get a foul?

  • What can the opposite team do if another team didn't guess the last word? How much time do they have?

  • How do you think the score is counted?

How many teams are there ? How many players are...
3. Let's learn how to explain the words.
3. Let's learn how to explain the words.

It's someone who....

It's something which ...

It's a place where ...

It's a kind of ...

It's the opposite of ...

It's like .... but ...

It's similar to ...

For example, you do this ....( where / when/ how ...)

It's someone who.... It's something which ... It's a place...

beard, bald, quiet, quite, shoes, socks, suit, sweet, to sightsee, height, weight, shirt, shorts, crowded, cloudy, to sunbathe 

beard, bald, quiet, quite, shoes, socks, suit, sweet, to sightsee,...

*  Now think make your examples. Think of random words, and explain them using these phrases. You have 3 min. Make notes of your words. 

*  Now think make your examples. Think of random words,...
3.(A), Let's practice.
3.(A), Let's practice.
4. Are you ready? Let's play.
4. Are you ready? Let's play.

I'll devide you into teams of 2 players each.

Each team decides which player will be the 1st to explain the words.

I'll send this player a link with the game.

He will have 90 seconds to describe as many words as he can. His teammate has to guess.

If you don't know the word or your partner can't guess it – click on a button 'skip' and explain the next word.

If you partner guessed correctly , click on the button 'done'

The number of guessed words equals the number of the team's points.

After that the next tean has its 90 seconds.

Then the teammates change the roles.

We'll play till 25 points.

I'll devide you into teams of 2 players each. Each...
5. Thank you for the great game.
Here's the prize .
5. Thank you for the great game.
Next: Weather