Social media: pros or cons
1. Let’s watch the video and answers the questions
1. Let’s watch the video and answers the questions
Use Social Media Intelligently | Moral Stories for kids
Use Social Media Intelligently | Moral Stories for kids
Duration (m)

-How was their life before using social medias?

-Why happened when parents gave phones to their children?

-What happened when they stopped using the social media?

-How did they stop using social medias?

-Could they help other people?

-How was their life before using social medias? -Why happened...

1-What is life like with social media?  Are you for social media?

2-What would life be without social media? Are you against social media?

1-What is life like with social media?  Are you for...
2. Let’s play games! Add your ideas as much as you can
Students are divided into 2 groups. Fist group will talk about question number 1, second group about question number 2. Explain your answers
2. Let’s play games! Add your ideas as much as you can
3. Let’s answer the question. Explain your answer
3. Let’s answer the question. Explain your answer
4. Let’s read the facts below. Do you agree or disagree? Students are divided into pairs. 2 Students will answer on each question. One of them agrees other disagrees. Explain your answers
4. Let’s read the facts below. Do you agree or disagree? Students are divided into pairs. 2 Students will answer on each question. One of them agrees other disagrees. Explain your answers

-Be careful of oversharing

-Make you page private

-Don’t post detailed information about yourself

-Don’t accept people you don’t know

-Make friends on social medias

-Don’t point your location on the internet

-Be polite on social medias

-Be careful of oversharing -Make you page private -Don’t post...
5. Read and answer
5. Read and answer
6. Discussion
6. Discussion
Next: 8th of March