1. Let's get acquainted
1. Let's get acquainted
  • What's you name?

  • How old are you?

  • Where are you from?

  • Do you like your city?

  • What is your favourite city in the world? Why?

What's you name? How old are you? Where are you...
2. Let's warm up
2. Let's warm up
3. Let’s watch a video and discuss the questions
3. Let’s watch a video and discuss the questions
  1. What city is it?

  2. What is the most popular food there?

  3. What places does she visit?

  4. How many trees are in the Central Park?

  5. How many sculptures are there?

  6. Did you like this city? Why? Why not?

What city is it? What is the most popular food...
4. Let’s do the quiz
4. Let’s do the quiz
5. Let’s play a game
5. Let’s play a game
6. USA landmarks
6. USA landmarks
  • Which places would you like to visit?

  • Which place is the most interesting for you?

  • Which place is the most popular?

  • Are there any other places you would like to visit?

Which places would you like to visit? Which place is...
Next: Spring activities