Animals (children)

1. Let's get to know each other better

1. Let's get to know each other better

Answer the questions


  • What's your name?

  • How old are you?

  • What are your hobbies/ interests?

  • Do you have a pet? (Would you like to have a pet?)

Answer the questions   What's your name? How old are...

2) Watch a video and answer the questions

2) Watch a video and answer the questions
Pip | A Short Animated Film
Pip | A Short Animated Film
Duration (m)
  1. Why did the dog go to school?

  2. What did the dog study there? Was it successful?

  3. What motivated the dog to study better?

  4. Can all pets help people? Why? Why not?

  5. Do you like animals? What animals do you like most of all?

Why did the dog go to school? What did the...

3) Let's revise the names of the animals?

3) Let's revise the names of the animals?

4) Let's play the game "Guess the animal"

4) Let's play the game "Guess the animal"

Rules of the game: describe an animal BUT don't name it! We should guess what an animal is it. You can say :


  • Is it big/ small

  • Is it safe/ dangerous

  • Which continent does it live on

  • What color is it

  • Parts of the body (legs, tail, neck etc. (long, short))

Rules of the game: describe an animal BUT don't name...

5) Read and comment on the quotes


use the phrases :

-I think../ I don’t think

-I agree/ I don’t agree with…

5) Read and comment on the quotes   use the...

6) Animals quiz

6) Animals quiz


  1. What is the largest bird native to Australia?

  2. Which animal leaps out of the water to communicate with others of its kind?

  3. Which is the largest type of penguin?

  4. How long do the Azian elephants live?

  5. What is the name of a wild dog native to Australia?

  6. How many horns does the Indian Rhino have?

  7. What special features does a salamander have which gives it an advantage when attacked by animals?

  8. The lion is the heaviest of all big cats. True/false

  9. How much food might a gorilla eat in a day? (up to 9 kg/ up to 18 kg/ up to 27 kg)

  10. When were the horses first domesticated? (about 2000 years ago/ 4000 y.a/ 6000 y.a.)

  What is the largest bird native to Australia? Which...


  1. Emu

  2. Whale

  3. Emperor penguin

  4. 55-70 years

  5. Dingo

  6. 1 (but a Black rhino has 2)

  7. It can drop body parts which it is then able to regrow)

  8. false (the tiger is the heaviest

  9. up to 18 kg

  10. about 6000 years ago

Answers Emu Whale Emperor penguin 55-70 years Dingo 1 (but...
Next: Let's throw a party?