Around Town
1. Ice – Breaker Write 3 facts about yourself. Make some of them True and some False. Interview your partner to understand if the facts are true or false.
1. Ice – Breaker Write 3 facts about yourself. Make some of them True and some False. Interview your partner to understand if the facts are true or false.
2. Lead-in Put the letters in the correct order to make the name of places in a city
2. Lead-in Put the letters in the correct order to make the name of places in a city
3. Sort the words from the previous activity into the following categories.
3. Sort the words from the previous activity into the following categories.


Entertainment Transport Shopping Education Sports Services
4. In which of the places from Task 3 can you do the following things?
4. In which of the places from Task 3 can you do the following things?
5. Add more places to the list in Task 3.
5. Add more places to the list in Task 3.
6. Interview your partner about the places from Task 3. Use the ideas below to help you.
6. Interview your partner about the places from Task 3. Use the ideas below to help you.

·        Borrow books 

·        Do sport 

·        See a play 

·        Buy fresh food 

·        Catch a train 

·        Eat a dessert 

·        Watch a film 

·        Borrow books  ·        Do sport  ·        See a play ...

e.g. What’s your favourite restaurant in your city? / How often do you go to the cinema? 

e.g. What’s your favourite restaurant in your city? / How...
7. Giving directions
7. Giving directions

1.      Student A
You will get a map of a city.
Imagine that you’re a tourist in that city and you want to get to the places on the list.
Ask your partner for directions.

Student B
You’re a local person in this city and you know all the places here.
A tourist asks you how to get to some places. Give them directions.

The, swap the roles.

1.      Student A You will get a map of a...
8. You and your partner are city planners and you’re going to make a new city.
8. You and your partner are city planners and you’re going to make a new city.

To begin with, discuss the following things

Where are these places located in your city?

Do you live in or near any of these places?

Is it a good idea to have hospital net to an industrial area? Why / why not?
What about a residential area?

Is it important for you to have a nice view of the ocean? Why/ why not?

·        Downtown area

·        University

·        Park

·        Hospital

·        Industrial area

·        Sports stadium

·        Residential area

Start creating your city. Put the place from the list on the map. Discuss with your partner where it’s best to put these places and why.


When you finish, discuss the question – why should people live in this city?

To begin with, discuss the following things Where are these...
My Favourite Places
My Favourite Places

1.      Think of 2 places in your city which you like. Tell your partner about these places ( what places they are, why you like them, how often you go there etc.) Your partner listens and asks you questions to get more information.

At the end, tell the group what interesting facts you learned about your partner. 

1.      Think of 2 places in your city which you...
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