Girls' talk
1.Warm up :
Answer the questions .
1.Warm up :
2.Do you know any interesting facts about shopping ?
2.Do you know any interesting facts about shopping ?
3.Shopping behavior . Men vs Women .
3.Shopping behavior . Men vs Women .
4.More discussion.
4.More discussion.


    1. Have you ever spent too much? What did you buy? How did you feel afterwards?
    2. Do you shop online? What kinds of things do you buy online? What would you rather buy in person?
    3. Think about the most expensive thing you have ever bought. Was it worth what you paid for it?
    4. Do you prefer to shop alone or with other people? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
    5. Who does the grocery shopping in your household? How often do they do it?
    6. Are you a bargain hunter? Do you get excited about sales and discounts? When are the best sales in your country?
the back of a woman with shopping bags slung over her shoulder
  1. Which do you prefer? Buying things for yourself or for other people?
  2. Do you collect points or stamps at any stores? 
  3. Shoplifting is when someone takes something from a shop without paying. How common is this crime in your country? How do shops try to prevent shoplifting?
  4. If you were to open your own shop, what kinds of things would you like to sell?
  5. Have you ever returned something to the shop you bought it from? Why did you return it? Did you get a refund?
  6. Do you care where products are made? Do you prefer to buy things which are made in your own country? Why or why not?
  7. Have you been shopping abroad? Which are the best cities for shopping?
  Have you ever spent too much? What did you...
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