1. What's your name and how old are you?
2. Where are you from?
3. How do you prefer to spend your free time?
What are obvious "bad news" out of the way things?
What is the most commonly reported problem among the hardcore gamers?
What are the reasons for other consequences of playing computer games?
How much time should you play computer games per day?
What are obvious surprising benefits?
What is the main benefit of playing computer games, that is connected with socialization?
Types of Games
What types of games do you play? What categories might you use? Are the games puzzles, multiplayer, or arcade games? Describe your games.
Game Environment
What equipment do you need to play in the game? What kind of environment does the game take place in? Does it have a race track or mountain scenes? Does the game take place on a field?
Video Games
Which video games do you usually play? Do other students play those games?
Rules of the Game
What are the rules of your favorite games?
Think about the games you and your friends play. Ask 5 questions. You must know the answers. Ask some easier and some more difficult questions.