My name is...
I'm … years old.
I'm from …
If I GET a million dollars I WILL …
Do you know who this man is?
What method did he use to solve the cases?
What is deduction?
What is it important to do if you want to use deduction? How can you find the facts?
Match the words and their synonyms:
Deduction is guessing based on the facts you know.
If you want to develop deductive skill you should learn to observe and notice things.
Let's play the game together.
You'll see 2 pictures which have some differences.
Observe and notice the difference.
Ask for the mouse control, explain the difference and show it.
In the first picture there is 1 window WHILE
In the second picture there are 2 of them.
We practiced to observe and notice the details.
Now let's practice to analyze and make assumptions ( guesses).
You'll have a description of a crime. Analyze the facts together and try to find the answers.