2.Creative Thinking Skills
Do you have any creative thinking skills? Which one?
2.Creative Thinking Skills
3.How do you trigger creative thoughts ?
3.How do you trigger creative thoughts ?

Triggering Creative Thoughts:

  • Be hungry for information; read, read and read more.
  • Take up crafts and hobbies (you don’t have to be good at them).
  • Write, scribble, draw, design whatever comes into your head (often one idea leads to other better ideas).
  • Brainstorm ideas with others.
  • Put yourself under reasonable pressure by setting goals and targets (caution: undue pressure leads to panic and stops the creative flow).
  • Talk to children: often they make unusual associations between ideas (peanut butter and carrots, choc-ice and chips...).

Triggering Creative Thoughts: Be hungry for information; read, read and...
4.Let's watch the video
What is your daily creativity ?
4.Let's watch the video
6 Steps To Increase Your Creativity In Everyday Life [Animated]
6 Steps To Increase Your Creativity In Everyday Life [Animated]
Duration (m)
5.Let's discuss
Answer the questions .
5.Let's discuss
  • Can someone who initially seems to lack any ability for a certain form of art develop his creativity and finally come to master it?
    • Have you heard of any such case?
    • Do you know anyone who is personally an example of this?
  • How does early exposure to diverse stimuli, and his involvement in creative activities affect a child's future creativity?
  • Do you believe that natural genetical features in a human being are absolutely determinant to their future creativity, or is interaction and engagement into self-expression and interaction with the world more influential than this?
  • How does a person's standard of living, involving such things as diet, exposure to chemical or other forms of pollution, active versus sedentary living, different forms of addiction, or any other aspects you may think of, affect them biologically regarding their creative capacities?
  • Does the education system in your country encourage creativity? How?
  • Do you think creativity comes with time and thought or you are born with creative talent?
Can someone who initially seems to lack any ability for...
6.Critical Thinking Games
6.Critical Thinking Games
1.Warm up :
Answer the questions .
1.Warm up :
Next: Let’s make a pizza!