Under the Sea
2. Do you know any animals which live in the sea?
2. Do you know any animals which live in the sea?
3.Let's take a look at pictures. Which animals do you know?
3.Let's take a look at pictures. Which animals do you know?
4.Let's watch a video about animals that live in the sea!
4.Let's watch a video about animals that live in the sea!
Down In The Deep Blue Sea | ft. Finny The Shark! | Super Simple Songs
Down In The Deep Blue Sea | ft. Finny The Shark! | Super Simple Songs
Duration (m)
5. Let's play a game!
5. Let's play a game!
6. Let's play a game! Answer the questions:
6. Let's play a game! Answer the questions:
1. Hello! How are you?
1. Hello! How are you?

Who has 7 legs?
Who has dangerous and sharp teeth?
Who is the biggest animal?
Who is so small and looks like a star?

Who is green and lives long?
Where do these animals live?

Who has 7 legs? Who has dangerous and sharp teeth?...
7. Goodbye song
7. Goodbye song
Goodbye Song for kids | The Singing Walrus
Goodbye Song for kids | The Singing Walrus
Duration (m)
Next: Manners matter!