1. Ice-Breaker Think of your favourite app on your phone. Interview each other about it.
1. Ice-Breaker Think of your favourite app on your phone. Interview each other about it.

e.g. What app is it?
How often do you use it? Why do you like it? 

e.g. What app is it? How often do you use...
2. Lead-in Put objects on the timeline. Then, discuss the questions with your partner.
2. Lead-in Put objects on the timeline. Then, discuss the questions with your partner.

How has technology change our lives?
What are some of the advantages or disadvantages of using technology?
How do you use technology in your daily life? 

How has technology change our lives? What are some of...
3. Discuss with your partner how these things have made our lives better.
3. Discuss with your partner how these things have made our lives better.

- mobile phones
- GPS navigation
- online shopping
- social media

- mobile phones - GPS navigation - online shopping -...
4. Look at the pictures and discuss how these things could be changed to become smart gadgets.
4. Look at the pictures and discuss how these things could be changed to become smart gadgets.

e.g.  We can add a thermometer to a mug, so that it makes your tea the right temperature for you.

e.g.  We can add a thermometer to a mug, so...
5. Talk to your partner and discuss what technology you often use to make your life easier. Your partner should listen and ask you some follow-up questions.
5. Talk to your partner and discuss what technology you often use to make your life easier. Your partner should listen and ask you some follow-up questions.
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