POEMS TO discover YOU
Duration (m)
2 poems by native speakers


Here are directions to create a first bio poem. 

I, (your first name)
Four Adjectives that describe you
Sibling of....(or son/daughter of...)
Lover of....(three things, people or ideas)
Who feels...(up to three items)
Who needs...(up to three items)
Who fears...(up to three items)
Who would like to see...(up to three people, ideas or places) Am a resident of...(city, state)
Welcome you to my poem.

Sample Poem:

I, Bob,
A boy, tall, funny, happy
Son of Mom
Lover of animals, sports, food
Who feels nervous
Who needs, money, another vacation, less homework
Who fears spiders, heights, aliens
Who would like to see Pedro Martinez, Drew Bledsoe and Jim Carey Am a resident of Fall River, Massachusetts
Welcome you to my poem.


  Here are directions to create a first bio poem. ...
Next: Pronouns and possessive adjectives