Lesson 21 Modern media
1. Put the following words/ expressions under the right heading. Some might belong to more than one group.
1. Put the following words/ expressions under the right heading. Some might belong to more than one group.
2. Discuss the following questions with your teacher:
2. Discuss the following questions with your teacher:
  • How often do you read the paper or watch the news on TV? How important is it for you to keep up with current events?
  • Do you think that news reporting has gotten better, gotten worse, or stayed the same over your lifetime?
  • Are there certain things journalists shouldn't report on? Why?
  • Who owns the newspapers and TV stations in your country? Do you think this has an effect on the news that you hear?
  • Do you think that most newspapers print what's really important, or what will make them sell more newspapers? What about TV news?


  • In your opinion, what has been the single biggest news item from this past year? How did the media cover this event?
  • Do you think a politician's private life is newsworthy? Why or why not?
  • How do you feel about censorship? Are there times when the news should be censored?
  • Do you think that the media covers too much bad news and not enough goodnews? What was the last "good news" story you heard?
How often do you read the paper or watch the...
3. What is BLOG? Read the information in the text below:
3. What is BLOG? Read the information in the text below:

How to Start a Free Blog at 

Step 1: Sign Up to Create a Blog at Visit the home page and select the "Create Your Blog Now" button to begin the process to start your new blog.

Step 2: Create a Google Account: If you don't already have a Google account, you'll need to create one by completing the form on this page.

Step 3: Sign In with Your Google Account: If you already have a Google account, you can bypass the "Create Google Account" step and simply sign in with your existing Google account username and password.

Step 4: Name Your New Blog: Enter the blog name and corresponding domain name (to precede '') in the spaces provided.

Step 5: Choose a Template: Select a standard template for your new blog

Step 6: Congratulations Your New Blog is Active! Your blog is now live and ready for you to start writing content.

Step 7: Write Your First Post: That's all there is to it! You're now ready to write your first blog post in your new blog and join the blogosphere.

How to Start a Free Blog at  Step 1:...
Read the text and answer true or false:
Read the text and answer true or false:

·         _______ Blogs were created only for writing your feelings and thoughts

·         _______ The word blog comes from the abbreviation of “website”

·         _______ A blog requires the use of high technology such as a database

·         _______ If you want to create a blog with you need a Google account.

·         _______ You can decorate your blog with your favourite template.

·         _______ According the text creating a blog is fun and easy

·         _______ In your blog you can’t use images from the internet. 

·         _______ Blogs were created only for writing your feelings...
4. Now we are going to watch the video with instructions how to create a Blog. Fill in the gaps with the words you hear:
4. Now we are going to watch the video with instructions how to create a Blog. Fill in the gaps with the words you hear:
How to Start a Blog
How to Start a Blog
Duration (m)

Step 1 Choose a platform Choose a platform or web host for your blog. There are many sites where you can set up a blog 1________________. Most free hosting sites allow design options so that your blog is not a carbon-copy of all the others. You can also pay a 2____________________ for a custom look.

Step 2 Decide on a theme Decide on a theme or topic for your blog. It can be super-specific or general commentary, but it should definitely be something you are 3_______________ about.

Step 3 Create content Create content to post on your blog. Post at least three times a week and keep the word count under 4___________________________. Pictures, audio, and video spice up the experience for your readers.

Step 4 Promote your content Promote your content to increase your5_________________________ by reading other blogs and posting comments on their posts. Mention your blog in passing without being pushy.

Step 5 Share links Share links to your blog posts in social-bookmarking sites. Be generous by mentioning other blogs on your blog.

Step 6 Interact with your readers Interact with the readership that comes to your blog via the comments section. Blogging is a 6___________________, not just a soapbox. If you want to retain and grow your audience, talk to them.

Step 7 Keep posting Keep posting. Without new content on a 7___________    _____________, readers will stop coming and you’ll have to start over again.

Step 1 Choose a platform Choose a platform or web host for...
5. What is VLOG? What is the difference between VLOGGING and BLOGGING? Read the notes to find out the difference:
5. What is VLOG? What is the difference between VLOGGING and BLOGGING? Read the notes to find out the difference:

Should You Blog, Vlog or Podcast?

Should you blog, vlog or podcast? Good question. Especially if you’re someone who wants to get your content – or yourself – out there to the masses. I’ve been hearing a lot lately about people who want to get in front of their audience – whether that be followers, industry leaders, sponsors or other professionals – and it got me thinking: What’s THE best way to do so? Or, should you blog, vlog or podcast?

Because frankly, in our era of electronics and virtual reality, the question isn’t SHOULD you blog, vlog or podcast but which one. In fact, you can’t afford to NOT do one of the above. So, which one?


Quick re-cap for those not sure what each of these are:

Blogging on a Blog

In some ways, the simplest of the three. Blogging is writing on an online platform – often Tumblr, Blogger, or the much preferred – to a particular niche audience and supporting that content through social media.

Vlogging on a Vlog

Video blogging. Instead of writing, you’re filmed and the videos uploaded to either a blog platform or social one like YouTube or Vimeo. While people usually don’t read words on the screen like they do with blogging, vlogs are often scripted or outlined. And of course, if you’re doing it properly, you’re supporting that content through social media.

Podcasting in a Podcast

The audio version of vlogging. Instead of filming yourself, you record through audio equipment, upload, edit and publish through online platforms or RSS feed or which is then filtered and distributed by audio broadcast distributors like iTunes, Blackberry and Zune. And then you support that content through social media.

What would you personally choose

·         BLOG? Why?

·         VLOG? Why?

·         PODCAST? Why?

Should You Blog, Vlog or Podcast? Should you blog, vlog...
6. Answer the questions below:
6. Answer the questions below:

·         What do you know about YouTube?

·         Do you use it?

·         What do you watch on it? 

·         What is your favourite clip?

·         Have you ever uploaded a clip to YouTube? 

·         Have you ever been "Rickrolled"? What does it mean?

·         What do you know about YouTube? ·         Do you...
7. YouTube Vocabulary. Match the word on the right with the correct definition on the left:
7. YouTube Vocabulary. Match the word on the right with the correct definition on the left:
  • develop                      A person who starts or establishes a business
  • founder                      Grow or make something grow
  • footage                       Amount of data sent and received by visitors to a web site
  • rickroll                         Something you have bought
  • approximately           To be tricked into clicking a link of a Rick Astley video.
  • traffic                           More or less
  • upload                         Looking for romantic relationships
  • dating                          A length of film made for movies or television
  • launch                         Transfer data to a larger computer system
  • acquisition                  To introduce a product or business to the public
develop                      A person who starts or establishes a business founder                     ...
8.Watch the video and answer the questions
8.Watch the video and answer the questions
10 Things You Didn't Know About YouTube
10 Things You Didn't Know About YouTube
Duration (m)

·         Who founded YouTube?

·         What gave them the idea to start the site?

·         When was the first YouTube video uploaded?

·         How many people use the site?

·         Who founded YouTube? ·         What gave them the idea...
9. Watch the video again and write TRUE or FALSE
9. Watch the video again and write TRUE or FALSE

·         Founders Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim developed the idea for YouTube after they couldn't find footage of a US sports event

·         They started Youtube while working at PayPal .

·         YouTube was originally a dating site .

·         The first YouTube video was uploaded on April 23, 2005. It was a video of cofounder Jawed Karim at San Diego zoo.

·         The first "Rickroll" took place in May 2007. At least 60 million people have been "Rickrolled" since then.

·         The most viewed video is currently Justin Bieber's "Baby" which has over 700 million dislikes.

·         Approximately 70% of YouTube traffic comes from the USA.

·         Every day people on Facebook watch around 500 years of YouTube video.

·         Every minute there are 60 hours of video uploaded.

·         Every person on Earth has viewed YouTube.

·         Founders Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim developed...
10. Let’s recap
10. Let’s recap

What is BLOG?

What is VLOG?

What is YOUTUBE?

What is podcast?

What is BLOG? What is VLOG? What is YOUTUBE? What...

Thank you for the lesson!

Thank you for the lesson!
Next: Lesson 22 Silver screen