Unit 11
1. Let's listen to a song about and old town
1. Let's listen to a song about and old town
L4L - English Songs for Kids 11 - OUR TOWN HAS A HISTORY - Family and Friends 5 Special Edition
L4L - English Songs for Kids 11 - OUR TOWN HAS A HISTORY - Family and Friends 5 Special Edition
Duration (m)

What was there two hundred years ago?

What wasn't there two hundreds years ago?

What was there two hundred years ago? What wasn't there...
2. Look and say
2. Look and say
a) guess the picture
a) guess the picture
b) What wasn't there? What was there ?
200/50 years ago
b) What wasn't there? What was there ?
3. The rule
3. The rule
4. Let's practice
4. Let's practice
a) Look at the table about town in England.
a) Look at the table about town in England.
b) Make sentences about the town in the past
b) Make sentences about the town in the past
c) Ask and answer
c) Ask and answer
5. The Rule
5. The Rule
6. Let's practice
6. Let's practice
a) Say in your language
a) Say in your language
b) True or False?
b) True or False?
c) Complete the sentences using past time expessions
c) Complete the sentences using past time expessions
7. Watch and complete the tasks
7. Watch and complete the tasks
Workbook page 82; ex1
Next: Unit11