Unit 9 Skills Time

tidings - новости

kin -родня

figgy pudding -  фиговый пудинг

cheer - веселье

tidings - новости kin -родня figgy pudding -  фиговый пудинг...
We wish you a Merry Christmas song, an interactive worksheet...
1. Watch the video about our planet Earth
1. Watch the video about our planet Earth
Kids vocabulary - [Old] Our Planet, Earth - continents & oceans - English educational video for kids
Kids vocabulary - [Old] Our Planet, Earth - continents & oceans - English educational video for kids
Duration (m)

What continents do you know?

What continents do you know?

What oceans do you know?

What oceans do you know?
2. Let's look at some countries and their flags. Can you find the matches?
2. Let's look at some countries and their flags. Can you find the matches?
3. New vocabulary
3. New vocabulary
4. Find the word that describes the picture
4. Find the word that describes the picture
5. Reading
5. Reading

What can you see in the pictures?

What can you see in the pictures?

Listen and read

Listen and read
6. Match the sentence halves
6. Match the sentence halves
7. Complete the sentences
7. Complete the sentences
8. Listen and complete the table
8. Listen and complete the table
10. Complete the sentences
10. Complete the sentences
9. Read the rule and write true or false
9. Read the rule and write true or false
11. Speak about yourself.
11. Speak about yourself.
Workbook page 68; ex1 Workbook page 69; ex1 Workbook page 69; ex3
Warming up
It's Christmas time. Let's sing a Christmas song.
Warming up