a) Ask the sudent to explain the rule.
b)Let the student find and underline all parts of the rule that he can find in an example.
c) Read and match. Then underline am/is/are and -ing in each sentence.
d) Complete the sentences in present continuous.
a) Ask the sudent to explain the rule.
b)Let the student find and underline all parts of the rule that he can find in an example.
c) Underline the parts of the sentences that are necessary in Present Continuous (negative )
I'm not swimming.
He isn't snorkelling.
They aren't waterskiing.
b) Hide words/ play H/S game if there is a need to practice the sentences.
Look at my photos, try to guess
- what i am doing( 3 variants)
- what i am not doing ( 3 variants)
Scroll down to check your answers.
Look at my photos, try to guess
- what I am doing( 3 variants)
- what I am not doing ( 3 variants)
Scroll down to check your answers.
Workbook page 31; ex 1,2
Workbook page 32; ex 1