Unit 11 Petra - The Hidden city
1) Let's learn new words
1) Let's learn new words
b) Name
b) Name
a) Listen and repeat
a) Listen and repeat
7. Unscrambe
7. Unscrambe
c) Make everthing dissapear!
c) Make everthing dissapear!
2. Watch a video. Do you know this city? Have you heard about it before?
2. Watch a video. Do you know this city? Have you heard about it before?
The Lost City Of Petra
The Lost City Of Petra
Duration (m)
3. Let's listen and read about Petra
3. Let's listen and read about Petra
4. True or false?
4. True or false?
6. Listen and circle the correct words to complete the notes
6. Listen and circle the correct words to complete the notes
5.Complete the sentences
5.Complete the sentences
7. Look at the sentences. Ask and answer the questions
7. Look at the sentences. Ask and answer the questions
8. How many can you find? Look and write
8. How many can you find? Look and write
8. Write
8. Write
9. Watch the video and complete the tasks
9. Watch the video and complete the tasks

Workbook, page  84

Workbook, page  84
Next: Unit 12 A clever Boy!