Unit 16 Reading
1. Warming up
1. Warming up
2. Reading
2. Reading

a) Listen, point and repeat

a) Listen, point and repeat

b)What are you ging to do tomorrow, later, tonight, this afternoon, soon, next week?

b)What are you ging to do tomorrow, later, tonight, this...

c)Look at the pictures to the story.

  What can you see?

  Have you ever visited these places? Share your memeories.

   Would you like to visit them?


c)Look at the pictures to the story.   What can...

d) Where's William on a holiday? Guess.

    Listen to a story and check your answers.

d) Where's William on a holiday? Guess.     Listen...

e) True or False

e) True or False

f) Read the text again and complete the sentences

f) Read the text again and complete the sentences

g) Answer the questions

g) Answer the questions

e) Circle the mistakes. Write correct words.

e) Circle the mistakes. Write correct words.
3. Post reading.
3. Post reading.

Did you like the story? Why?

Talk about your last trip.

What other places would you like to visit?

Did you like the story? Why? Talk about your last...

Write about the place that you visited/ or would like to visit. 

Напиши о месте, которое ты посетил / или хотел бы посетить.

Write about the place that you visited/ or would like...
Next: Unit 16 Listening