Skills Time
1. Warming up
1. Warming up
2. Listen, point and repeat
2. Listen, point and repeat

What do you like doing?

What do you like doing?
3. Rank the things that you like doing
3. Rank the things that you like doing
4. Reading
4. Reading

a) Look at the text. Where are the children from?

b) Guess. Then listen to the story and check your answers.

    Who likes Spanish dancing?

    Who likes reading comics?

    Who likes watching football on TV?

a) Look at the text. Where are the children from?...

c) Read again and write Kelly, Nuria or Ismail.

c) Read again and write Kelly, Nuria or Ismail.

e) Read again and answer the questions

e) Read again and answer the questions

f) Who has similiar hobbies to yours? 

    Who can be your friend?

f) Who has similiar hobbies to yours?      Who...
5. Listening
5. Listening

a) Listen and match.

b) What do  they like? Speak about their hobbies.

a) Listen and match. b) What do  they like? Speak...
6. Speaking.
6. Speaking.

Imagine your perfect friend.  What does he/she like doing?

Imagine your perfect friend.  What does he/she like doing?
7. Grammar time
7. Grammar time

a)Let's learn

a)Let's learn

b) Hide words, play H/S game

b) Hide words, play H/S game

c) Write short form.

c) Write short form.
8. Choose a penfriend and write a letter
8. Choose a penfriend and write a letter

Workbook, page 18; ex.1

Workbook, page 19; ex.1,3

Workbook, page 18; ex.1 Workbook, page 19; ex.1,3
Next: My Things