Unit 13 Papirus
1. Warming up
1. Warming up
2. Phonics.
2. Phonics.
a) Listen, point and repeat.
a) Listen, point and repeat.
b) Listen and chant
b) Listen and chant
c) Circle the words with ow, oa and o_e.
c) Circle the words with ow, oa and o_e.
d) Circle the odd word out.
d) Circle the odd word out.
e) Write words in correct boxes
e) Write words in correct boxes

Do you know what a ''papirus'' is?

Do you know what a ''papirus'' is?
4. Let's study new words.
4. Let's study new words.

1) Listen and repeat

2) Read

3) Cover  the words and name  the pictures

1) Listen and repeat 2) Read 3) Cover  the words...
5. Reading
5. Reading

a)  Look at the pictures. What are these?  Let's find the answers in the text.

b) Listen and read.

a)  Look at the pictures. What are these?  Let's find...
c) Read the text again and write
c) Read the text again and write

d) True or False?

d) True or False?

e) Answer the questions


Did you like the story? Why?

What new did you learn?

e) Answer the questions   Did you like the story?...

Workbook, page 99, 100 (ex. 1)

Workbook, page 99, 100 (ex. 1)
Next: Unit 13 Writing