1. Change the sentences by dropping the relative pronoun.
1. Change the sentences by dropping the relative pronoun.

Someone (who \that is) able to think quickly might be a good surgeon.

Someone (who \ that) needs job security might not want to be a jazz musician.

A person who I that has a good voice could be a good TV journalist.


  • In many relative clauses, who I that+ the verb have can be replaced by with.
  • You can also drop who I that and change the verb to the gerund (ing).
  • You can shorten a relative clause by dropping the relative pronoun and the verb be.
Someone (who \that is) able to think quickly might be...
2. Rewrite the sentences
2. Rewrite the sentences


1. The photographer who lives upstairs has won many awards for his creativity. The photographer living upstairs has won many awards for his creativity.

2. Professional cooking, which is considered a tough business, requires both patience and skill.

3. Movie stars who are constantly hounded by the press deserve more privacy.

4. Roger Federer, who is ranked among the world's best tennis players, is considered very disciplined.

5. The Summer Olympics, which are held every four years, are broadcast around the world.

6. Children who are talented at music should take private lessons if possible.

  1. The photographer who lives upstairs has won many...
3. Combine the sentences. Rewrite them as one sentence containing a reduced non-defining relative clause.
3. Combine the sentences. Rewrite them as one sentence containing a reduced non-defining relative clause.

1. Lady Gaga is generally believed to be very confident and professional. She claims she is actually shy.

Lady Gaga, generally believed to be very confident and professional claims she is actually shy.

2. Yohji Yamamoto is famous for his modern fashion designs. He often uses the color black.

3. Jessica Alba has been interested in acting since the age of five. She first appeared in a film at age 13.

4. The movie Twilight was adapted from a novel by Stephenie Meyer. It stars Robert Pattinson.

5. Mark Zuckerberg is celebrated for creating Facebook. He attended Harvard University.

6. Justin Bieber is originally from Canada. He began his professional singing career in the U.S.

7. Tim Berners-Lee is credited with inventing the Web. He published the first website in 1991.

8. Jamie Oliver is known for his food-focused TV shows. He advocates healthier food in schools.

1. Lady Gaga is generally believed to be very confident...
4. Tell about the most famous people of 2017
4. Tell about the most famous people of 2017
5. Listening
5. Listening
Next: Face2face