Face2face Pre-Intermediate
1. What is special about these professions?
1. What is special about these professions?
Top 10 Most Hated Professions
Watch for 1 min
Top 10 Most Hated Professions
Duration (m)
How do we call the professions which are not liked by people?
How do we call the professions which are not liked by people?

Do people like these professions?

Does it mean that people don’t need these professions?

Does that mean that these professions are easy?


What are three top most hated professions for you?

Why don’t you like them

Do people like these professions? Does it mean that people...
2. What are the good and bad things about being a traffic warden?
2. What are the good and bad things about being a traffic warden?
3. Rank the following jobs
3. Rank the following jobs

Top 10 Most Hated Professions in Ukraine

Put the names of professions into the order where

10 is the least hated and 

1 is the most hated  





Pr Manager




Sales managers

















Top 10 Most Hated Professions in Ukraine Put the names...
Which group of people get paid too much, do you think? Why? Which jobs should have the highest salaries?
Which group of people get paid too much, do you think? Why? Which jobs should have the highest salaries?
Next: IELTSLesson 14