3. Small talk
3. Small talk
1. What do we call such types of people
1. What do we call such types of people

1. Complete the sentences 

1. Stephanie is a great __________________... she knows the right words to stroke my ego when I help her out.


2. "Omg, I got like four job offers since working here and I am getting so many compliments. Also the Canadian Marketing Director wants me to be his personal assistant. That guy is flirting with me to as well as him and him. Oh did I mention I went to this school and have this educational background? I am atleast a little bit educated in every single field of life."- And I am a ____________________________________.


3. "We've been on the phone for 2 hours. "

"What were we talking about? "

"Nothing. Everything. I don't remember"

" well, thats why were _________________________________________ "


4. Josh was dating Emily, but he had a huge _______________________________ for the new girl at school.


5. .This man, the movie so dull . He is such a bore.


6. His face flushed and he angrily turned toward the _____________________.

Cy Whittaker's Place 

Joseph C. Lincoln 

1. Complete the sentences  1. Stephanie is a great __________________... she...
2. Adjectives about behavior
2. Adjectives about behavior

Describe the pictures starting you sentences like this...

It is polite to........ polite.

Describe the pictures starting you sentences like this... It is...
Easy Ways to Make Small Talk by Mary Hartley from...

1. The  person  is  your teacher.  You bumped  into her in  the  ticket line  in  the cinema. Small  talk  time. 

Картинки по запросу cinema queue

2. The  person  is  your friend’s  mother. You  bumped  into her  in  a supermarket. Small  talk  time

Картинки по запросу supermarket

3. The  person is  your former neighbour. You  bumped  into them  in  a  car wash. Small  talk  time. 

Картинки по запросу car wash

1. The  person  is  your teacher.  You bumped  into her in  the  ticket line  in  the cinema. Small  talk  time.  2. The...
5. TED Talks
5. TED Talks
10 ways to have a better conversation | Celeste Headlee
10 ways to have a better conversation | Celeste Headlee
Duration (m)
6. Writing
6. Writing
Rude Conversation
Rude Conversation
Duration (m)
Next: Business Intermediale