Lesson 55. Theatre play. Reading focus
1. Listen and sing
CB p.104
1. Listen and sing
2. Let's listen and read a text
CB p.106
2. Let's listen and read a text
b) Circle the false word and write the correct word.
CB p.106
b) Circle the false word and write the correct word.
3. Listen and write True or False
CB p.107
3. Listen and write True or False
4. Watch the video and repeat
4. Watch the video and repeat
5. Look and say
CB p.107
5. Look and say
6. Or or And
CB p.107
6. Or or And
b) Let's practice
b) Let's practice
And - or, an interactive worksheet by Abujaber
And - or, an interactive worksheet by Abujaber loadliveworksheet(147043,'styxozmg',1413,'www',795959);
Next: Lesson 33. My day. My Mom's day. Reading lesson