Lesson 7. Reading
1. Watch the video
1. Watch the video
Can & Can't // Action Verbs pt.7/11: Fun English grammar cartoon "WHAT CAN YOU DO?"
Can & Can't // Action Verbs pt.7/11: Fun English grammar cartoon "WHAT CAN YOU DO?"
Duration (m)
b) Study the words
b) Study the words
c) Speak with your teacher
c) Speak with your teacher

Can you fly? - No, I can't.

Can you run? - Yes, I can.

Can you fly? - No, I can't. Can you run?...
d) Complete the sentences with can/can't
d) Complete the sentences with can/can't

This is a table.

That is a window.

This is a table. That is a window.
L. 6 - can - can't, an interactive worksheet by SkyEdge
L. 6 - can - can't, an interactive worksheet by...
3. Listen and read
3. Listen and read
b) Answer the questions
b) Answer the questions
4. Listen and number
4. Listen and number
5. Look at the picture. Ask and answer
5. Look at the picture. Ask and answer
2. Look around your room. What can you see?
2. Look around your room. What can you see?
Next: Lesson 8. They're happy now