Lesson 53. Look at the photos
1. Look at the pictures. Listen and repeat
CB p.102
1. Look at the pictures. Listen and repeat
4. Let's learn
CB p.103
4. Let's learn
b) Listen and chant
CB p.102
b) Listen and chant
2. Let's play
2. Let's play
3. Listen and read the text
CB p.102
3. Listen and read the text

1) Why are the children looking at the fridge?

2) What is Tim/Mom/Billy doing in the photos?

3) Is Billy naughty now?


1) Why are the children looking at the fridge? 2)...
I Was, You Were ("To Be" Past Simple Song) - Rockin' English
I Was, You Were ("To Be" Past Simple Song) - Rockin' English
Duration (m)
5. Let's do exercises
5. Let's do exercises
b) Let's practice
CB p.102
b) Let's practice
Next: Lesson 55. Theatre play. Reading focus