Lesson 57. The race
1. Let's remember the words
1. Let's remember the words
b) Read the song and complete the missing words.
CB p.110
b) Read the song and complete the missing words.
3. Listen and repeat.
CB p.111
3. Listen and repeat.
4. Let's sing a song
4. Let's sing a song
Fun with Phonics - ng & nk sounds.
Fun with Phonics - ng & nk sounds.
Duration (m)
5. Listen and chant
CB p.111
5. Listen and chant
Circle the sounds ng and nk.
2. Sing a song
CB p.110
2. Sing a song
6. Let's play
CB p.111
6. Let's play
Ng nk phonics, an interactive worksheet by karlafandino1
Ng nk phonics, an interactive worksheet by karlafandino1 loadliveworksheet(1481776,'mohuvbql',471,'www',795959);
7. Listen and complete the words.
CB p.111
7. Listen and complete the words.
Next: Lesson 58. A fairground horse. Reading focus