Hi Boys and Girls. Hope that you are happy and ready to learn.

********NOTE TO TEACHER*********


Before the children watch the videos...perhaps they can try and put the pictures of the animals in the worksheets in their own groups.    How would they separate them?

eg-  All the ones with 2 legs...4 legs....all that that swim.... all that can fly.... etc.

********NOTE TO TEACHER*********   Before the children watch the videos...perhaps...
Animal Classification Song | Science Songs
SONG: Check out our new topic.
Animal Classification Song | Science Songs
Duration (m)


Below there are 2 videos to help you learn how to group the animals.  Watch the first one.  If you need extra help, then watch the 2nd video.  If you feel confident after the first video then you can go ahead onto your worksheets.  Use the DIAGRAM below to remind yourself of the differences that were discussed in the video.

TASK: Below there are 2 videos to help you learn...
Vertebrate Animals for kids: Mammals, fish, birds, amphibians and reptiles
VIDEO: How do we categorise animals. Lets find out. Make sure you watch till the end. It's over 8 minutes long so sit back and enjoy.
Vertebrate Animals for kids: Mammals, fish, birds, amphibians and reptiles
Duration (m)
Year 1 Science - Different Animal Groups - Amphibians, Reptiles, Mammals, Fish and Birds.
How do we split animals up into different categories?
Year 1 Science - Different Animal Groups - Amphibians, Reptiles, Mammals, Fish and Birds.
Duration (m)

Lets see if you can group all the animals in your worksheet now.  Get your colouring in pencils ready and read the instructions carefully.

Lets see if you can group all the animals in...



a bird

a mammal

a reptile

a fish

BUT,  an amphibian.

*********NOTE********   a bird a mammal a reptile a fish...