Unit 9 Future Simple . be going to < Pr Sim < Pr Cont
Warm up
Warm up

Think  about  the year  2050  and try to predict which business will create the most jobs. Computers? Robots? Space travel?

Think  about  the year  2050  and try to predict which...

Which business will create the most jobs?

Did you guess space travel? If so, Professor Patrick Collins, a professor of economics in Japan, agrees with you. At a recent lecture he said, "It won't be long before people will call their travel agents and book their flights to the Moon. Imagine! Yes, there is room on tomorrow's flight to the Moon. It leaves at 9:00 A.M. It's going to be full so please arrive early for check-in."


Of course, many people disagree with Collins. They think space travel will cost too much and not many people will travel. They also think that people won't f eel safe enough to travel into space. But Collins's research shows that the majority of people think it will be worth saving their money to travel into space. He claims that while it will probably start out as an activity for a few rich individuals, it will grow very quickly-just  like the aviation (airplane) industry grew in the last 100 years. Af ter all, Collins reminds us, the Wright brothers flew their first plane in 1903.


If Collins is right that people will travel to space as tourists, then, like all tourists, they are going to stay in hotels. They are going to want tours and they will certainly expect some entertainment. All

of this will require many people, and that will mean many new jobs.

Some of these space jobs will be similar to Earth jobs, but they will have some unique challenges. For instance, how will a space waiter serve food in a gravity-free restaurant? And what about fitness trainers? Teaching an aerobics class in space will require some new moves in addition to a lot more flexibility-in all directions! But not all space jobs will be more difficult. Some will be easier, the job of a porter for instance. No more carrying heavy luggage; it will just float along. Well, one thing is certain about these space jobs- they won't be boring!


PLEASE NOTE: If you missed this great lecture, Prof essor Collins is speaking again at the space conference tomorrow night at 7:00 P.M.

Which business will create the most jobs? Did you guess...
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