Unit 2. Stative Verbs

Look at the pic/

What are my hobbies?

I like going to gym.

I know how to felt

I am studying Spanish.

What about you?


State vs Dynamic/

What is it?

Look at the pc. What is he doing.

Where are some words that can’t be used in any Continuous tense.


Let’s check  how many stative and dynamic words you can write in 1 min.

Look at the pic/ What are my hobbies? I like...
All meaning
Stative Verbs, Action Verbs, and Verbs that can be both
Stative vs Active verbs
Stative Verbs, Action Verbs, and Verbs that can be both
Duration (m)
Home task Writing
write in 100 words about yourself and your hobby, Try to use the Present Simple and the Present Continuous Tenses.
Home task Writing
Next: Unit 3 Present Perfect