Unit 6 Past Simple vs Past Perfect
What American holidays do you know
Comprehension Check
Comprehension Check

Read the text and  say if these sentences True of False.

1.        When it was late afternoon, everything was ready.
2.       The grandchildren didn’t help
3.         My aunt had made  3 pumpkin pies for a dessert.
4.       when the power went out when they start cooking the turkey.
5.       Later power came back  and the holiday wasn’t  ruined.



Read the text and  say if these sentences True of...

Thanksgiving Dinner 

Last Thanksgiving my parents had a large family dinner at their house. Getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner takes a lot of work.

The day started well and by late afternoon we had completed most of the work. Everyone had helped to make the meal a success. We had put the turkey in the oven earlier that day so the house was starting to smell like roast turkey. The grandchildren had finished setting the table for Thanksgiving dinner. My aunt had made two pies for dessert, a pumpkin pie and an apple pie. My brother and I had peeled the carrots and the potatoes. We had just turned on the stove to start cooking the vegetables when the power went out! The oven stopped working! We couldn’t cook the vegetables! The turkey wouldn’t finish cooking! We waited. We talked. We went for a walk.

We had waited two hours by the time the power came back on. We hadalmost given up hope. Dinner was late that night but it was a Thanksgiving dinner that we won’t forget.

Thanksgiving Dinner  Last Thanksgiving my parents had a large family...
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Writing –


Write a story of you last family celebration. Use Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect   ( 150-200 words)

  Writing –   Write a story of you last...
Next: Unit 7used to/would