Unit 3 Present Perfect
Look at the picture.

I have been to Paris.

What tense is it? 

We are going to study  the Present Perfect Tense.

Open the link for Guided Discovery

I have been to Paris. What tense is it?  We...

Where am I? What do you know about this city? Have you ever been there?

Where am I? What do you know about this city?...
Present Perfect

Now your turn!

1)Type in chat:

where  have  you already been?

How many countries have you already visited?

2) Look at other pic of mine.

where  have  I been ?

What haven't I done yet?


Now your turn! 1)Type in chat: where  have  you already...
I have never flown a hot-air baloon
Read the text and answer the questions below
HOme task
HOme task
Answer these questions

1.    How many different countries have you visited?
2.    Which was your favourite?
3.    Have you ever missed a flight? What happened?.
4.    Have you ever been in an accident or emergency situation when you were travelling?.
5.    Have you ever been to an exotic location?
6.    What was the most unusual thing you have eaten while on holiday?
7.    Has your luggage ever been delayed or gone missing? What did you do?
8.    Have you ever cut short a holiday?
9.    What was the most beautiful place you have ever been to?
10. Have you ever needed help from an embassy?

11. Have you ever travelled over Christmas or New Year? Where did you go? What was it like?... 



1.    How many different countries have you visited?2.    Which was...
Next: Unit 4 Present Perfect vs Past Simple