Kids Starter
1. Answer the questions
1. Answer the questions

- What's your name? - My name's ...                                     - What's this? - It's a ...   

- How are you? - I'm ...                                                          - What colour is it? -  It's ...

- How old are you? - I'm ...             

- What's your name? - My name's ...    ...
2. What colors can you see?
2. What colors can you see?
3. Look at the picture. How many apples can you see?
3. Look at the picture. How many apples can you see?
4. Let's remember body parts
4. Let's remember body parts
Touch your nose/ eyes/head...
5. What's the weather like today?
5. What's the weather like today?
6. Do you know them? Family
6. Do you know them? Family
Family words, an interactive worksheet by Princi
Family words, an interactive worksheet by Princi loadliveworksheet(15828,'unyjthrc',950,'www',795959);
7. Let's read
7. Let's read
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