Family and Friends 1
1. Answer the questions
1. Answer the questions


1. What's your name?

2. How old are you?

3. Do you have brothers and sisters?

4. What is your favourite color?

5. What is your favourite animal?

  1. What's your name? 2. How old are you?...
2. Match
2. Match
3. Match
3. Match
4. Match
4. Match
5. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions
5. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions
6. Video. Watch the video and choose
6. Video. Watch the video and choose
Family and friends 1-fluency video by ThS. Bùi Đức Anh - 0908 078 575..
Family and friends 1-fluency video by ThS. Bùi Đức Anh - 0908 078 575..
Duration (m)
b) Watch again and match
b) Watch again and match
7. Look at the picture. What hair have they got?
7. Look at the picture. What hair have they got?
Next: Elementary