Lesson 30 Important things to have! Interesting things to know!
1. Look at this picture. What can you see? Name the buildings and places.
1. Look at this picture. What can you see? Name the buildings and places.
2. What things are important for you? Why?
2. What things are important for you? Why?
3. Read and listen to Alan and his grandmother, Mary. Underline the things that are important to each person
3. Read and listen to Alan and his grandmother, Mary. Underline the things that are important to each person
4. Look again at the texts about Alan and Mary. Find all the examples of ’ve got (= have got), ’s got (= has got), haven’t got and hasn’t got.
4. Look again at the texts about Alan and Mary. Find all the examples of ’ve got (= have got), ’s got (= has got), haven’t got and hasn’t got.
5. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of have got.
5. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of have got.
6. Think of a friend and write five things he/she has got or hasn’t got
6. Think of a friend and write five things he/she has got or hasn’t got
7. Let’s practice! Do online exercise:
7. Let’s practice! Do online exercise:
8. What quizzes are popular in your country? Look at the sentences from Quiz Night and say if they are True or False.
8. What quizzes are popular in your country? Look at the sentences from Quiz Night and say if they are True or False.
Listen to a contestant of Quiz Night. Check your answers
9. Remember!
9. Remember!
10. Let’s practice! Write the comparative from of these adjectives:
10. Let’s practice! Write the comparative from of these adjectives:
Write the opposite:
Write the opposite:
Compete with comparative adjective + than
Compete with comparative adjective + than
Complete the sentences with superlatives
Complete the sentences with superlatives
11. Look at these pictures and compare. Say what are the best qualities of these things:
11. Look at these pictures and compare. Say what are the best qualities of these things:

Thank you for the lesson!

Thank you for the lesson!
Next: Lesson 31 Am I lost?