Unint 8 Avery funny monster
2. Reading
2. Reading
a) Look at the pictures. What is the story about?
a) Look at the pictures. What is the story about?
b) Listen and read
b) Listen and read
с) Read, correct the wrong sentences
с) Read, correct the wrong sentences
d) Finish the sentences. Speak about the monster,
d) Finish the sentences. Speak about the monster,
1. Warming up
1. Warming up

1. It was ugly but it was ...

2. It's head was ...

3. It's nose was...

4. It's ears were .......... and ...

5. It's tail was .............. and ...

6. It's hair was...

7. It's eyes were ...

8. It's arms were ... ..............but it's legs were ...

9. It's hands were ..............and his feet were ...

1. It was ugly but it was ... 2. It's...
e) Answer the questions
e) Answer the questions

1) Where was John's book?

2) Was it a funny or a scary book?

3) Where was the monster at night?

4) Was the monster frindly or scary?

5) Where was the monster in the morning?

1) Where was John's book? 2) Was it a funny...
f) Put the sentences in the correct order
f) Put the sentences in the correct order
g) Describe the pictures and retell the story.
g) Describe the pictures and retell the story.

Workbook, page 76

1. Прочитай

2. Раскрась

3. Напиши слова


Workbook, page 76 1. Прочитай 2. Раскрась 3. Напиши слова  
Next: Unit 8