What food can you see on the picture?
Which food do you like?
Which food don't you like?
What's your favourite food?
Are you hungry now? What would you like to eat?
Are you thirsty now? What wuold you like to drink?
a) Where are the children now?
Listen to the story and answer the question.
b) Read the text. Find the answers for the questions.
What did the children do on their trip?
What food have they got?
c) Read again. Answer the questions.
Was it a good trip?
What did thay look at?
Where did the eagle land?
Where did the children land?
Where did they sail?
d) Find the words in the text. Guess their meaning.
across through
e) Write the words under the correct picture.
across through
f) Read the text. Find the words to fill in the blanks.
Did you like the story? Why?
What was the most interesting?
What was new?