Unit 10 Reading. Sea Creatures
1. Warming up
1. Warming up
2. Read and find on the picture.
2. Read and find on the picture.
3. Reading
3. Reading

a) What can you see.

Name it's body parts. 

What so crabs eat? Let's read about it in the text.

a) What can you see. Name it's body parts.  What...

True or false

True or false

Talk about crabs

Talk about crabs

b) What can you see.

Name it's body parts. 

Can starfish swim? Let's read about it the text.

b) What can you see. Name it's body parts.  Can...

True or False?

True or False?

Let's describe a starfish.

Let's describe a starfish.

True or False?

Fish have long tails and and fins.   _________

Fish eat tiny animals in the sea.      _________

True or False? Fish have long tails and and fins. ...

c) What can you see?

Name it's body parts. 

What do fish eat?  Let's read about it the text.

c) What can you see? Name it's body parts.  What...
4. Production
4. Production

Describe this crab.  Use the words : legs, claws, strong, hard, can, live, eat.)


Describe this crab.  Use the words : legs, claws, strong,...

Describe a fish. Use the words from the picture.

Describe a fish. Use the words from the picture.
Next: Unit 10 Writing