3rd Year Flipped Classroom
Lessons for remote learning for GRADE 3 children.
Hi Parents

I've put together my English lessons in order so that you can see what the children have been learning in class.
It is set out so that the children can go back and revise what they have already learned. Sometimes children want to listen to the songs or watch the videos again. Sometimes the children haven't managed to pick up everything in class. This website enables them to go back to my lessons for whatever reason.

Feel free to contact me on sansansenglishcorner@gmail.com if you have any questions. I shall try and get back to you as soon as possible.

Happy learning.

What belongs to who?
Lets learn about the rooms in you home.
What furniture belongs where in the house and what do you do in each room?
Learn some prepositions to describe where things are.
Can you eat them raw or must they be cooked? How do I prepare them?
Practice writing about the furniture and who it belongs to.
Revise the things found in a house.
22nd - 26th March 2021