Present Perfect
1. Positive sentences
1. Positive sentences
a) Rewrite in Past Perfect
a) Rewrite in Past Perfect

I open the window.

He does his homework.

We brush our teeth.

She goes to school.


do - did - done

go - went - gone

I open the window. He does his homework. We brush...
b) Complete the sentences
b) Complete the sentences
c) Make sentences
c) Make sentences
2 - Negative sentences
2 - Negative sentences
a) Rewrite the sentences into negative.
a) Rewrite the sentences into negative.

    I have washed the dishes.

    He has gone to school.

    We have cooked the chicken.

    She has done her homework.

    I have washed the dishes.     He...
b) Make sentences
b) Make sentences
3. ? Questions
3. ? Questions
a) Ask questions. Give answers.
a) Ask questions. Give answers.
b) Ask and answer
b) Ask and answer

    I have washed the dishes.

    He has gone to school.

    We have cooked the chicken.

    She has done her homework.

    I have washed the dishes.     He...
Summing up
Summing up

+ My mother has finished cleaning my room.






+ My mother has finished cleaning my room. - ?...
Next: Past Simple Revision