Fututre Simple
1. + Positive sentences
1. + Positive sentences
a) Make sentences
a) Make sentences

tomorrow                               завтра

the day after tomorrow        післязавтра

in.....a week / two days            через.....тиждень /два дні

next .....year /week / month       на наступний.....рік  /тиждень /місяць 

tomorrow                    ...
b) Rewrite sentences in the future simple
b) Rewrite sentences in the future simple

Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a week / two days, next year /week, month.


I play fotball every day.

He plays a piano on Sundays.

We play tennis once a week.

They  play basketball every Monday.


Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a week / two days, next...


+ will

I will = I’ll    (we’ll, you’ll, they’ll, he’ll, she’ll, it’ll)

                                      Скорочення + will I will = I’ll    (we’ll, you’ll,...
c) Complete the sentences
c) Complete the sentences
2. - Negative sentences
2. - Negative sentences
a) Make sentences
a) Make sentences
b) Rewrite sentences in the future simple
b) Rewrite sentences in the future simple

Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a week / two days, next year /week, month.


I don't play fotball every day.

He doesn't play a piano on Sundays.

We don't play tennis once a week.

They don't  play basketball every Monday.

Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a week / two days, next...
c) Will or won't ?
c) Will or won't ?
3. ? Questions
3. ? Questions
a) Make questions
a) Make questions

Answer with.   Yes _ will.

                        No _ won't.

Answer with.   Yes _ will.          ...
b) Make special questions.
b) Make special questions.
4. To be
4. To be

a) Rewrite into future simple . Make negative sentences and questions. Answer them.


I am a policeman.

He is a doctor.

We are pilots.

They are nurses.

She is a housewife.

a) Rewrite into future simple . Make negative sentences and...

a) Make  + - ? sentences


 Я гратиму в футбол завтра.

a) Make  + - ? sentences    Я гратиму в...

b) Розкажи що ти будеш і не будеш робити завтра.

    Запитай друга чи він робитиме те ж завтра? 

b) Розкажи що ти будеш і не будеш робити завтра....
Next: Must/ mustn't