behind, in front of, next to, between
1. Warming up
1. Warming up

Wirte the missing letters

Wirte the missing letters

Check your answers

Check your answers
2. Let's learn
2. Let's learn

2. Do the quiz

2. Do the quiz

Hide words, play H/S game

Hide words, play H/S game
2. Say. Then write.
2. Say. Then write.

b) Point, ask and answer

b) Point, ask and answer
3. Speaking
3. Speaking

Make a list of

3 things that I can do

3 things that I can't do


Ask questions to find out. Switch roles for part 2.


Make a list of 3 things that I can do...
4. Let's sing
4. Let's sing
5. New words. Listen point and repeat.
5. New words. Listen point and repeat.

Hide words, play H/S game

Hide words, play H/S game
6. Quiz time
6. Quiz time
7. Production
7. Production

Take two things ( like a pencil case and a pen)

Place the things according to teacher's commands. (The pen is  behind the pencil case)


Switch roles for part 2

Take two things ( like a pencil case and a...
8. Writing
8. Writing

Workbook, page 21

Workbook, page 22

Workbook, page 21 Workbook, page 22
Next: Skills Time