Phonics and skills time
1. Warming up
1. Warming up
2. Phonics
2. Phonics

1.  Listen, point and repeat.

1.  Listen, point and repeat.

Hide words, play H/S game

Hide words, play H/S game

2. Listen and chant.

2. Listen and chant.

3. Read the chant again. Circle the sounds gr, br and fr. 

3. Read the chant again. Circle the sounds gr, br and...

4. Listen and complete the words. 

4. Listen and complete the words. 
3. Reading
3. Reading

1. Look at the pictures. 

Where is the boy?

What does he want?

1. Look at the pictures.  Where is the boy? What...

2. Listen and read. Check your answers.


2. Listen and read. Check your answers.  

3. Tick (V) the food they have got. Cross (X) the food they haven't got. 

3. Tick (V) the food they have got. Cross (X) the...

4. Do you like the story?

What have you got in your fridge?

Have you got a banana pizza in your fridge?

What is your favourite pizza?

4. Do you like the story? What have you got...
4. Listen and write Yes or No.
4. Listen and write Yes or No.
5. Point, ask and answer.
5. Point, ask and answer.
6. Production
6. Production

Make a list of 

-3 things that I have got in my fridge

-3 things that I haven't got in my fridge


Ask questions to find out.  Switch roles for part 2.

Make a list of  -3 things that I have got...

Workbook, page 35, ex 2,3.


Workbook, page 35, ex 2,3.