4. Society
Revision Double comparatives, an interactive worksheet by Huyennguyen123 loadliveworksheet(2693386,'fbzpdbak',1413,'www',4255474);
Double comparatives, an interactive worksheet by _English_Kingdom_ loadliveworksheet(2468458,'abaguhii',1413,'www',4255474);
Social Bite and Robertson: Building a Village and a Future
The Social Bite Village will create an innovative, low cost, safe living environment for up to 20 previously homeless people for around 12 -18 months. During this time residents will receive extensive support in a community environment, learn new skills and get their life back on track. Residents will also receive extensive work placements and employability support.
Social Bite and Robertson: Building a Village and a Future
Duration (m)
14 Years Living Off-Grid in a Self-Built Cabin & Farming Tons of Food on the Land
14 Years Living Off-Grid in a Self-Built Cabin & Farming Tons of Food on the Land
Duration (m)
Next: 5. Sports and Interests