8. Crime and punishment
Lesson 1. Part 1
Lesson 1. Part 1
SB p. 70 ex. 1
SB p. 70
Lesson 1. Part 2
Lesson 1. Part 2

Modal verbs can be used to speak about something that you are sure or not sure in. When you don't know for sure what you are talking about you can use modal verbs like might, may or could. When you are a little bit more certain you can use modal verb can. When you are really sure in your idea, you have to use modal verbs such as must, will, would, ought to and should. 

Modal verbs can be used to speak about something that...

Workbook pp 46-47

Workbook pp 46-47
Lesson 3
Lesson 3

Please, translate the following expressions from the article on page 75 into English:


Статистика свідчить про це 

Такі зміни не обмежуються однією країною 


Крадіжка (більш крупна на вулиці)

Крадіжка (карманник)

Крадіжка (зі взломом)


Скоювати злочин 

Дослідники розмишляють

Перший/ першопрохідний (злочин)

Це не завжди так

Кількість виросла втричі

Please, translate the following expressions from the article on page...
Lesson 4
Lesson 4
Modal perfect
Next: 9. Careers and studying