Unit 6. Money

Discussion Questions:

  1. Which do you enjoy more: earning money or spending money?
  2. How do you feel after spending a large amount of money?
  3. How do you prefer to pay for purchases? With cash, a credit card, or some other payment method? Why?
  4. What was the first job or task you ever received money for? How much were you paid?
  5. Can you recall (without looking) who and what are on your country's bank notes and coins? Why are they famous or important?
  6. Have you seen another country's money? Which countries have beautiful notes or coins?
  7. How often do you think about money? Is money a stressful part of life?
  8. What does 'money doesn't grow on trees' mean? Do you agree?
  9. Of the things you have bought in your life, which do you remember most happily?
  10. Is there something you regret buying? Why?
  11. Did you receive pocket-money/an allowance when you were a child? Was it enough for you? What did you usually spend it on?
  12. What would you tell someone if they asked how much you get paid?
  13. Do you have any cryptocurrency such as bitcoin? Where can you use that kind of money?
  14. If a young person wanted to know what career they should pursue to make as much money as possible, what would you recommend they do?
  15. Do you and your friends lend money to each other? How much are you willing to lend or borrow?
  16. When you are walking around a big city, where on your body is a safe place to keep money? Is it safe in a handbag?
  17. What would you do if you found a brown paper bag with one thousand dollars in it on the street?
  18. Imagine you have won a million dollars. Who will you tell? What will you do with the money?
Discussion Questions: Which do you enjoy more: earning money or...

Describe an interesting discussion you had about how you spend your money

You should say:

  • Who you had the discussion with
  • Why you discussed this topic
  • What the result of the discussion was

And explain why this discussion was interesting for you

Describe an interesting discussion you had about how you spend...

Describe a time when you saved up some money to buy something special.
You should say

- what you wanted to buy
- why you wanted it
- how you saved your money
- and explain how you felt when you finally bought the item.

Describe a time when you saved up some money to...

We all want to try and grow our money.  That is why we invest our money in certain financial products. 

Sometimes our investments are successful, sometimes they are not.  

My grandfather was a skilled investor.  He would put his extra capital to work by investing in property, shares, and bonds

He was always looking for a growth on his investments, either through interest or dividends

Quite often he got a good return on his investments. In fact, one time he made a killing by investing in a mining company whose share price rose rapidly. 

Investments can quite often turn sour. People will often pour their money into bad investments


They might pump money into a business that goes bad. Maybe they invest their savings in property and the market crashes. 

Not everyone is a successful investor. Sometimes the risk is too great. 

The losses on the investment start to pile up and instead of capital gains you get capital losses

In my opinion, very few people strike it rich investing money. Most people often make a small profit or take a minor loss on their investments. 

Good financial planning 

It’s always a good idea to get some advice before investing your hard earned cash. Financial planners and advisors can tell you the best places to invest your cash.  They might charge you a small fee, but it’s better than losing all your money. 

Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of money to invest. The only investments I have are a pension plan for the future and a small rental property. 

I don’t have time to follow the stock market so I don’t invest my money in shares


What about you? Do you invest your money?

We all want to try and grow our money.  That is why...

1. What do you enjoy about having meetings?
2. What do you dislike about meetings?
3. Do you think meetings are always useful?
4. How often do you have to attend meetings?
5. What kinds of meetings do you usually attend?
6. What was your last meeting about?
7. Have you ever led a meeting? How was it?
8. Why do you think most people consider meetings to be boring?
9. Do you think online meetings are better or worse? Why?

1. What do you enjoy about having meetings?2. What do...
Nilofer Merchant: Got a meeting? Take a walk
Nilofer Merchant: Got a meeting? Take a walk
Duration (m)
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What is Crypto? How Does It Work?
Duration (m)
Next: Test 2