Unit 5. Advertising
How Commercials Get Us To Buy Crap We Don't Need
How commercials get us to buy smth we don't need
How Commercials Get Us To Buy Crap We Don't Need
Duration (m)

Do you remember any adverts you saw when you were younger?


 Do you often buy things after seeing an advert?


Do you like it when celebrities advertise products?


Describe an advert you saw recently. You should say:


  • What the product/ service was
  • Where you saw it
  • How was the product/ advertised
  • And how you felt about it

Do you think advertising will change in the future?

How is advertising different now in relation to the past?

Some people think it is unethical to advertise to children. Do you agree?

Do you remember any adverts you saw when you were...
(1) What do you think when you hear the word ‘presentation’?
(2) Do you like making presentations? Why / Why not?
(3) What’s the best presentation you have ever heard?
(4) How can you stop being nervous about a presentation?
(5) What do you think of PowerPoint? Are you good at using it?
(6) Is it better to give a presentation to five people or thirty? Why?
(7) Do you like listening to presentations?
(8) What kind of slides are best – those with pictures or those with words?
(9) Whose presentation would you like to see (anyone in the world)?  Why?
(10) Do you think giving presentations makes you more confident?
(1) What do you think when you hear the word...

1. Describe a funny advertisement you saw or heard. What type of advertisement was it (print, television, online, etc.)?

2. Describe a persuasive advertisement you saw or heard. What type of advertisement was it (print, television, online, etc.)?

3. Can you think of any ads that offended people? What was offensive about the ad? Did you think it was shocking?

4. Do you think advertising influences you? How?

5. What are your favorite brands? Do these brands advertise? Do you think you like these brands because of their advertising or because of the product? Is it a combination of both?

6. Do you think children are affected by advertising more than adults?

7. Do you think that the government should regulate how companies advertise to children? How? Do you think the government should restrict advertising in other ways? How? What laws are there in your country to restrict advertising?

8. What would the world be like without advertisements? What would be the positive consequences? What would be the negative consequences?

1. Describe a funny advertisement you saw or heard. What...
Next: Unit 6. Money