Unit 8. Human Resources
Cover Letter
Cover Letter
  • What does a cover letter contain? 
  • Why are cover letters important? 
  • Why do cover letters need to be short and direct? 
  • What is a selling point and why is it important? 
  • What are some examples of selling points?
  • Which parts does it have?
What does a cover letter contain?  Why are cover letters...

cover letter is a letter of interest sent to an employer along with a resume. When applying for a job, a resume only gives the highlights of an employee's work experience and credentials. A cover letter, sometimes known as a letter of interest, is important, because it provides the employer with an in-depth look at a candidate's work history, experience, and credentials, and helps them see why they should hire said candidate. Many employers today ask for a cover letter, as it also showcases the candidate's written communication skills. Cover letters can also be filtered to search for specific keywords that pertain to the job description.

A cover letter is a letter of interest sent to an employer...

What Does a Cover Letter Consist Of?

A cover letter is split into several parts. The following is the order in which certain aspects should appear on a cover letter: 

  • Header (including date, applicant's name and personal details, and company name) 
  • Formal greeting 
  • Body paragraphs 
  • Complimentary close 
  • Signature 

A header contains all the essential information regarding the candidate's personal information and the addressee's information. The formal greeting addresses the employer professionally and leads into the body paragraphs. The body paragraphs will detail the applicant's work history, skills, and interest in the job. The complimentary close is a formal sign-off from the applicant that is followed by their signature. A cover letter should be consistent and formal throughout. The cover letter should also include specific selling points that inform the employer how the employee can be an asset to the company. 

Cover Letter Heading

cover letter heading is important in providing essential information about the candidate and also maintaining professionalism. The heading of a cover letter includes the date written as well as the candidate's name, address, phone number, and email address. It also includes the addressee's name, company name, and mailing address. The heading of a cover letter should look like the following: 




Street Address, (City, State, Zip Code) 

Phone number 

Email Address


Addressee's Name 

Company Name 

Company Address 

City, State, Zip Code

Cover Letter Paragraphs

The first paragraph should begin with a formal greeting to the hiring manager or the person who will receive the cover letter. It's important for applicants to do preliminary research in order to find out the name of the person who will be reading their letter. The letter should start with 'Dear Mr. or Ms.' depending on the person. If a name cannot be found, beginning the letter with 'To whom it may concern' or 'Dear Human Resources' is acceptable. 

The first paragraph should be short and sweet, letting the hiring team know what position the applicant is interested in applying for, why they are interested, and what skills would make them a good fit for that position. An applicant might also research the mission of the company and state how their vision aligns with the company's values. A sample first paragraph is stated below: 

To whom it may concern, 

I am excited to learn your school is accepting applications for an elementary reading specialist. As my core values of equitable access and high expectations for students align with your district's mission, I believe I am a perfect candidate for this position. My master's degree in teaching and 5 years of experience would prove to be a beneficial asset to your educational team. 

The second paragraph of the cover letter should outline the applicant's experience and credentials as they align with the job description. This can include internships, paid work experience, education, and any other life or work experiences that would help the applicant in the given position. It is always a good idea to re-read and take note of specific phrasing used in the job description so that each item is addressed. For example, if the job description for a reading specialist at a school stated they were looking for someone 'with experience working with students from varied backgrounds,' the cover letter might respond as follows: 

My work as an elementary school teacher over the last 5 years has allowed me the opportunity to work alongside students and families of many different socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. I have much experience working with ELL students and children of all reading levels. I strive to include diverse voices in my curriculum and was successful in establishing the Multicultural Reading Group at my last school. 

Applicants should include any outstanding awards they have won during their career. If the applicant is new to the workforce, they can include any scholarships or awards won in high school or college, nonprofit or volunteer work, and classes taken that apply to the job description. It is also wise to include certain skills such as organizational, multitasking, or verbal and written communication that might be mentioned in the job ad. Employers are looking for candidates who can carry out all functions of the job. 

The third paragraph should be the closing paragraph of the cover letter. This should restate the applicant's interest in the job and why the employer should hire them. It should express excitement at the possibility of working for the company and restate any relevant information.

I strongly believe that my previous experience will make a great commitment to your company. I look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely yours,
Dave Brown

What Does a Cover Letter Consist Of? A cover letter...


1. Усі претенденти, яким запропонували роботу, мають відвідувати настановні заняття. Ймовірно, їм дадуть наставника, щоб він їм допомагав.

2. Наш єдиний шанс компенсувати втрачений час – це прискорити процес виробництва.

3. Для того, щоб просунутися у діловій кар'єрі, треба бути винахідливим, кваліфікованим та добре адаптуватися. До того ж, не можна бути байдужим до того, чим займаєшся.

4. Цікаво, чи поділять бонус за квартальні продажі однаково між усіма співробітниками.

5. Як ви бачите з доданих резюме та супровідного листа, у нього хороша технічна освіта і він цікавиться всіма суміжними предметами.

6. Як ви вважаєте, який є дієвий спосіб для усунення проблеми, пов'язаної з плинністю кадрів?

7. Мені хотілося б знати, коли він продовжить абонемент у цьому спортивному клубі.

8. Наш консультант з підбору персоналу знайшов деякі шляхи для виявлення та залучення найкращих кандидатів для особливої роботи.

9. Ці заходи, можливо, суттєво збільшать продаж, але зрештою можуть створити руйнівний ефект на процес виробництва.

10. Вона вважає, що новий працівник занадто прискіпливий і самовпевнений, але не можна заперечувати, що він комунікабельний.

ІІ. SENTENCES FOR TRANSLATION 1. Усі претенденти, яким запропонували роботу,...
Next: Unit 9. International markets