Lessons plans
Онлайн школа английского языка
Starter. ABC letters' names practice. Letter Aa. Sounds+reading Ee, Tt, Nn, Pp
Starter. ABC letter-sound practice. Letters B, U, C, S. Vocabuary - classroom
Starter. ABC. Structure. Letter D. TH
Days of the week. Timetable
Starter. Food vocabulary. I like/I don't like. Letters Uu, Vv
Starter. Question "What's this", ABC (letter-sound), reading practice. Letter E
Starter. Vocabulary "Toys", review of the previous vocabulary, letter Ff
Starter. Pronouns my/tour, construction " This is my/your...", reading practice ( 2 consonants, sentences) Letter Gg, numbers 1-10
Starter. Vocabulary "My things", dialogue "What's your name? - My names ...", letter Hh, numbers 1-10
Starter. Vocabulary "Colors", dialogue "What color is it? - It's blue" , letter combinaion "ee", letter Ii
Adjectives, verb 'to be' (questions), reading letter-combinations.
Starter. Phrases, numbers, colors, vocabulary, reading (letter - combinations)
Starter. Letter J, K. Animals
Starter. Structure "Is it a...? - Yes, it is / No, it isn't. ", letter-combination 'oo', letter Nn, poem 'nice-bad'
Starter. Vocabulary ' animals' , letter combination ' ar', reading (sentences)
Stater. Speaking monologue "Describing an animal", letter-combination 'ck'
Starter. Vocabulary "Clothes", letter-combination 'sh', 'ch', structure "They are ...", leters Oo, Pp.
Starter. Clothes. Letters O, P.
I've got ... ( body parts). Describe yourself.
Starter. "Give me...". Body vocabulary. Combinations "ar, or, ore". Letters Qq, Rr
Starter. Parts of body. I've got...
Starter. Colors, Animals, Parts of body, Clothes
Starter. Family members. He, she, they
Starter. Family words. Pronouns
Starter. Structure "I like/I don't like", Food vocabulary. Letter Ww, Xx
Starter. Food. Combinations "ng, nk''. Letters Yy, Zz.
Starter. It's. Is it?
Starter. Toys vocabulary. It's/Is it?
Starter. Toys vocabulary. It's/Is it?
Starter. What is it? Classroom objects. Reading "o"
Starter. Classroom objects. Articles "a/an"
Starter. Structure "I see 3 big brown bears", vocabulary 'Animals'
To be - negatives and questions
to be, personal information, nationalities
Starter. Color+clothes combination
Verb 'to be' (questions)
This/ that / these /those, Numbers 1 - 100
Am I? Is he? Is she?
The verb ' have/ has got' ( 3 forms) practice.
Describing people, vocabulary (appearance), have/has got.
Pre-Intermediate conversation
Pre- Intermediate conversation. Prepositions of location.
Alphabet and Reading practice. Letters Ll, Mm.
Past Continuous. Prepositions in/on/at
Alphabet and Reading practice. ABC song. Letters Bb, Cc.
Alphabet and Reading practice. Mood. Letters Ff, Gg
Starter. It's/They're.
Alphabet and Reading practice. Letters Hh, Ii
Alphabet and Reading practice.
Alphabet and Reading practice. Colors. It's
Alphabet and Reading practice.
Alphabet and Reading practice. Colors
Alphabet and Reading practice. Colors. Numbers. Plurals
Alphabet and Reading practice. It's/Is it?
Alphabet and Reading practice.Alphabet revision
Alphabet and Reading practice.
Alphabet and Reading practice.
Alphabet and Reading practice. School objects
Lessons plans
Have you got... ?
Have you got? + I can/can't